細江英公の「おとこと女」は、60年代の日本写真史のおいて、芸術的価値の高い、傑作の一つだと思う。他の写真家と大きく分け隔てられる点でもあるが、細江の作品は、同胞の芸術家(舞踏家、評論家、作家、詩人、画家)との共同制作を通し作品を完成させる。特に、『10人の眼』展(1957年の5月)の主催者である評論家の、福島辰夫との交流は、初期の細江氏の活動に大きな影響を与えたと考えられる。(補足:『10人の眼』展の作家のうち、奈良原一高、細江英公、川田喜久治、東松照明、佐藤明、丹野章は、VIVO(1959年)を設立した。 VIVOは、作家の共同事務所兼暗室を持つ事、写真家の商業的自己責任を求める集団として機能する事を目的とした。)
"Man and Woman" must be one of the most highly acclaimed masterpieces in Japanese photography history. It is known that Mr. Hosoe has a close association with other artists like (chorographers, writers, critics, posts, artists) and often collaborated with them to complete his work.
Especially in his early work, a critic, Tatsuo Fukushima who organized “Eyes of Ten” exhibition in May 1957, had influenced Mr. Hosoe pretty much. (VIVO was founded in 1957 by members who showed their work at "Eyes of Ten". Hosoe was also a part of VIVO along with Ikko Narahara, Kikuji Kawada, Shomei Tomatsu, Akira Sato and Akira Tanno. VIVO aimed at being self-agent for photographers themselves and shared the office and darkroom.)
Hosoe first met Fukushima when he was 19 years old (1952) as a collage student. Fukushima was a member of Democrat Bijyutsu Kyokai (Democratic Artist Association) and introduced Hosoe to the members, Masuo Ikeda (artist/painter), Tadashi Kato (painter), Toru Takemitsu (composer), On Kawara (artist). Fukushima wrote introduction for the pamphlet of Husoe's solo exhibition, "Photo Story : American Girl in Tokyo" at Konishi Roku Photo Gallery (Ginza) in 1956. As described above, Hosoe submitted his work, "Children's World-Document of a Kindergarten" to Fukushima’s "Eyes of Ten" exhibition in 1957.
In 1961, "Man and Woman" was published by Camera Art (text: Tatsuo Fukushima, Ed van der Elsken, Poetry: Taro Yamamoto). The title of this book seems very suggestive: man was written in hiragana (traditional Japanese writing) and woman in Kanji (Chinese character). Man sounds sexually powerful and positive, subjective, primitive and woman seems sensuous, objective, rational. Hosoe asked his friend, Tatsumi Hijikata to be a male model of this book. They had been friends since Hosoe observed Hijikata's stage, "Kinjiki" in 1959. (Kinjiki was based on the novel written by Yukio Mishima).
"Man and Woman" showed a man and woman in the very dark background and it was made as if he creatively captured each movement at the stage.. His photography is all black and white and main figures are just a man and woman. The plots are pretty simple, although it certainly remains strong in one's hearts and eyes. To move one's feelings, artist's pure and strong passion must be more important than any technical sophistication and complication or radical use of images.
This book was re published by Nadiff in 2006 as the complete reproduction.
Man and Woman
(Otoko to Onna)
Eikoh Hosoe
Nadiff, 2006
hardcover in slipcase
A facsimilie copy produced in 2006 by Nadiff in Tokyo.
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